• Nachtclub Prag - AAA Exclusive Club, Kabarett, Tschechische Republik - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls

Forum (697)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.

Seznam příspěvků

Tom: 10PM

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 17:06:48

Hi i was just wondering what the best time to come is? When are the most girls available

Tom21.11.2010 06:09:01

Vážení pánové, oznamujeme vám, že od 1.prosince nás najdete na nové adrese, pod novým názvem AAA Exclusive Club. 10 pokojů,VIP room,vířivá vana,min.10-20 dívek každý den, exkluzivní prostory baru a krásné prostředí Vinohrad. Máte se na co těšit. A my se těšíme na vás. :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 01:44:27

Dear gentlemen, we are announcing you the adress substitution of newly renamed AAA Exclusive Club from 1.12.2010!! 10 rooms, VIP, whirpool, 10-20 beautifull girls every night, fully equipped bar. We are looking forward for your visit. :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 00:49:04

Viagryus: no ono to tady také napsáno být nemůže, proto jsme i smazali Váš dotaz, ale odpovídáme. Dostanete vše na co jste se ptal.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB17.11.2010 17:50:02

Traska: Bohužel zájem nemáme. Hodně štěstí!

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB15.11.2010 19:41:35

Nemate zajem aj o transky _ Delam pasivne anal sex aaktivne oral sex . kontakt bily.tygr@gmail.com

Traska Agatan14.11.2010 20:31:55

KRISZO: we cant tell you exactly but everyday is at least half of the girls from our photos and some more who dont have photos, but simillar quality for sure. Every day we have about 8-10 very nice girls and in new club we will have even more girls for the evening. (From 1st December 2010)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB12.11.2010 18:27:38

Sky: yes

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB12.11.2010 18:25:39

We will be in Prague from Monday to Thursday - so... we are going to visit this place :)

KRISZO11.11.2010 22:57:51

Sexy Girls, Begleiter Mädchen Prag

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

View all girls (54)